Reiki Energy Healing

What is Reiki?

Reiki is an energy healing modality that originates from Japan. Reiki energy is universal healing energy that exists within all living things. When someone is attuned to reiki, they are able to channel or direct this healing energy to themselves or others to promote balance and wellbeing.

*** Keep in mind that reiki energy healing is complementary to other forms of care, and it is not meant to be a replacement for proper medical care. ***

What to Expect during a Reiki Healing Session?

During a 60-minute reiki healing session, the client lies on a massage table, fully clothed — face up at first, and then half way through, the client turns to lie face down. The practitioner will use different hand positions on the body to channel reiki energy to specific parts of the body/specific chakras. Each hand position is typically held for 3-5 minutes. The reiki practitioner may also use alternate hand positions if he/she is intuitively guided during the session.

Benefits of Reiki Energy Healing

Each individual will have a unique experience during and after a reiki session.

Some potential benefits of receiving a reiki healing session include:

  • Stress reduction

  • Pain management

  • Improved emotional wellbeing

  • Boosted immune function

  • Improved sleep

  • Balanced chakra/energy systems within the body

  • Improved physical, emotional, and spiritual healing

  • Increased self-awareness

  • Deep relaxation

  • Enhanced quality of life

  • Removal of energetic blockages

Get In Touch

321 N Mall Dr, St. George, UT 84790, USA